UniMaps - Indoor Map Navigation App

Helping College Students easily find their way around campuses.

CASE STUDY - Responsive IOS app for College Students

SCOPE - Solo UX Design Project for my Web Design II course at Concordia University - Saint Paul

TOOLS - InVision & Sketch

1) Project Brief - Problem Context

Problem Statement: When I travel around campus, I want to have access to class information and maps so I can plan the route that will get me to my destination most efficiently.

Unique Value Proposition: UniMaps provides a real-life visual of hallways guiding the student/user to their classroom. Similar to Google Street View, drag/click your way through the halls.

Design Process

Following the agile approach, this design process is recurring.

After discovery, comes research, prototyping, test and implement new functions at a time, design & build, test and implement.

Then repeat this process as the process is never complete as there is the app evolves with time after launch.

Competitor Research Analysis

Low-Fidelity Wireframing

Feature Scope

Feature #1

- Quick Search

Feature #2

- Add/Edit Class Schedule

Feature #3

- Share ETA

Style Tiles

UniMaps Feature Mockups

Feature #1 - Quick Search

Feature #2 - Add a Class

Feature #3 - Share ETA

In this project, I learned how to take a problem that students were facing and find/build a solution for it. An eye opening experience for me was when I conducted usability testing with five other college students. Putting the product in front of the user and observe their friction points, navigation habits, and likings of the app I was able to make adjustments to fit the users needs.